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Photo Credit: Canva  
Best Pickpocket-Proof Fashion Tips For Travellers
On a bright, beautiful day at Vecchio bridge in Florence, Italy, Jan was browsing some antique jewelry in several old jewelry stores near the bridge. While walking into the store's door, she was pinned down by two strangers from different directions. As she was trying to get out of the uncomfortable situation, she felt one of the man's hands slowly slip its way into her coat. That's where she knows pickpockets were targeting her.

Surprisingly, these are several clothing fashions that can save you and Jen from getting pickpocketed while solo traveling.
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Photo: Canva  
7 Popular Myths and Legends Around The World
Generally, every country and region has urban legends that have been believed by its people from generation to generation. Even though the myth is considered as impossible, yet many people still believe it. That is why we dive into the details of some of what we think are fascinating myths and legends in the world. We have been listed the 7 popular myths and legends from around the world just for you! Take a look!
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Photo: Canva  
7 World Festivals That You Don't Want To Miss!
A Festival is a way for people to express, celebrate, and respect traditions. A festival, carnival, or another event is a unique attraction for visitors or tourists to visit the country.
The uniqueness of a festival can be judged by how it is celebrated, the number of people involved in it, the costumes used, and the history of the festival itself. For you who want to enjoy a festival, we've been listed the recommended world festivals that you must-attend on the next pages!
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Photo: Canva  
The Safest Countries in The world
The security of a country is one of the indicators of whether it is suitable for living. A survey conducted by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) is a reference in seeing the extent of a country's security. The Global Peace Index (GPI) survey is usually carried out to measure which countries can be categorized as the safest countries to live in and even serve as tourist destinations.

So here are the 10 safest countries in the world that deserve to be a place to live or just as a tourist destination for your vacation later.
