These Breakfast Foods are Dangerous for Diabetics!
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A new study from Tel Aviv Medical Centre suggests that breakfast is the most important meal that diabetic people SHOULDN'T skip. Based on the research, skipping breakfast for diabetics might result in a blood-sugar spike which can also damage your beta-cell function.
While diabetic people are advised to never skip breakfast, there are certain breakfast types that they should avoid at all costs.
Click the following button below to find out all the dangerous breakfast lists that the diabetic should avoid!
Fruit-flavored yogurt
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Flavored yogurt or yogurt added with fruits contains a lot of sugar, which can increasing blood sugar levels. Although yogurt does contain protein, yogurt also contains sugar in the form of lactose.
Usually, flavored yogurt looks healthy because it is good for digestion. However, this type of yogurt is made from nonfat or low-fat milk, which contains large amounts of carbohydrates and sugar. In fact, one cup (245 grams) serving of flavored yogurt contains 47 grams of sugar, which means that nearly 81 percent of its calories come from sugar. If you think frozen yogurt is a healthy alternative to ice cream, you are definitely wrong since it contains just as much or even more sugar than regular ice cream.
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Melissa Halas, a dietitian, says that eating cereals is not ideal for diabetics. "It is feared that you will eat more than the recommended portion. Moreover, high-fiber cereals are often packed with sugar," she said.
We all know that cereal is the most suitable option for a practical breakfast menu. Even though cereals contain protein that can keep blood sugar stable, it is not recommended to be on the breakfast menu for those with diabetes . Cereals are foods that have been processed so that they contain high carbohydrates. People with diabetes who want to have normal blood sugar certainly have to avoid eating cereal.
Flavored coffee
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Coffee in the morning, of course, will make your day exciting. For you, as a cafephile, surely you agree that passing the morning without coffee is impossible. Moreover, the choice of coffee sachets with different flavors is also quite practical and easy to make. Even though it offers convenience, it turns out that instant coffee can endanger the body's health, especially for diabetics, because instant coffee contains higher sugar and milk than regular black coffee.
Furthermore, some research shows that consuming 4 cups of coffee or more daily can increase blood sugar levels for diabetics with type 2 diabetes. This is due to caffeine's effect, which is thought to interfere with the insulin hormone's performance, making it more difficult for diabetics to control blood sugar levels.
Consuming foods that are high in carbohydrates will cause bad effects for diabetics. Furthermore, consuming foods made from white flour will cause harm to diabetics, such as pancakes. The saturated fat in pancakes can also lead to blood sugar levels among diabetics.
A pile of pancakes sprinkled with butter and maple syrup is delicious but not necessarily the best choice if you have diabetes. The large portion of butter on top makes pancakes higher in saturated fat, and the sugar content of flour and syrup is hazardous for diabetics. It makes pancakes not recommended to be consumed as a breakfast menu for diabetics.
Simple Changes for Healthier Pancake : If your love for pancake is unstoppable, you can actually make your pancake healthier. Don't add butter to your pancake batter because it could raise your insulin level. Next, sneak in more fiber to the toppings like fresh fruit, natural yogurt, and plain chopped nuts which contain healthy fat instead of sugary ingredients.
Fruit juice
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Not only fruit juices, but all types of juices, including vegetables and so on, are not allowed for diabetics. This is due to the high sugar and calories that they have, which diabetics should avoid. Fructose or sugar obtained from fruit processed into juice has a very high sugar content compared to the sugar tolerance level allowed for diabetics consumption.
Fruits do have good benefits for the normal human body, but these benefits will be bad for diabetics if they consumed it in excess or are processed by making juices. Basically, fruits contain fruit sugar called fructose, but the fiber in fruit slows down fruit sugar absorption. "So if you eat fruit, it is advisable to bite it directly, not in the form of juice". Because a glass of fruit juice has more calories and can double the calories content of unprocessed sliced fruit.
White Bread, Rice, and Pasta
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Carbohydrates are our primary source of energy that we should consume daily. But for people with diabetes, the case will be different. Eating high carbohydrates foods such as white bread, rice, and pasta will significantly increase your blood sugar level. So, what is the best source of carbohydrates for diabetes?
People with diabetes should consume foods high in fiber instead of carbohydrates since fiber can help the body slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. Foods that are high in fiber are nuts, oatmeal, apples, lentils, and white bread .
If you have diabetes, you need to manage your appetite and diet daily to prevent high blood sugar levels. If you leave diabetes untreated, it could lead to various organ damage in your body and increased the risk of heart disease and stroke.
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Pancit is a traditional noodle dish from the Philipines cuisine. This dish consists of stir-fried noodles mixed with veggies and meat such as chicken, shrimp, or even pork. Although the ingredients in this dish might sound safe for the diabetic, the traditional noodles used in pancit dish is made of wheat meaning that pancit is potentially high in carb.
There is another type of pancit made from rice noodles, but still, the pancit dish itself in general is really high in salt. So. for the diabetic, caution and moderation has to be practiced while eating this dish.
But if you are unsure about handling the temptation of eating a whole big plate of pancit, it's better to avoid this dish at all and replace it with a healthier option.
French Fries
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Like other foods containing carbohydrates, potatoes are also high in carbohydrates, increasing blood sugar levels. French fries or deep-fried fries with a certain oil or fat types will increase the saturated and trans fat content. It can increase the risk of heart disease, especially in diabetics who are already at risk for cardiovascular disease.
When you eat french fries, your body breaks down carbohydrates into sugars, enters your bloodstream, and is often called a spike in blood sugar levels. The hormone insulin is then released into your blood to help transport sugar into your blood cells so they can be used for energy. However, in diabetics, this process is not as effective. Instead of sugar moving out of the blood and going into the cells circulating, it turns out to keep the blood sugar levels higher for longer. Therefore, eating french fries can harm diabetics.
Fruits Smoothies
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Often consumed because they are thought to be healthy, fruit smoothies should not be drunk at breakfast. Breakfast only with fruit smoothies can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. This is because fruit smoothies consumed in the morning worsen the blood sugar content in the body.
Researchers say that diabetics should not use fruit smoothies as a substitute for sugary drinks. When you drink a fruit smoothie, it only contains water, which has turned into fructose, which is actually not much different from sugar and is very low in protein. Since a fruits smoothie contains a large amount of sugar, it should be removed from the breakfast menu list, and it would be much better if you consume fresh fruit directly than having it as a smoothie.
Honey and mapple syrup
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On the previous page, we have explained why pancake is one of the most dangerous breakfasts for a person with diabetes. Those with diabetes know how easy it is to identify foods that contain sugar by just a single look, so they wouldn't end up with a blood sugar spike.
However, not many of them noticed that natural sources of sugar such as honey, maple syrup, and agave nectar contain a high amount of sugar that could be dangerous for people with diabetes. Although these foods are not highly processed, one tablespoon of honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar has approximately 13-17 grams of sugar. It's still considered high sugar intake if you take it daily.
Breakfast Bar
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Although it looks healthy at first glance and seems like it contains organic ingredients, the fact is that breakfast bars contain so much sugar and sweets. Taking a pack of breakfast bars in the morning might be an option for those of you who don't have time to prepare your breakfast menu. But even though it's quick and easy, the ingredients available in the breakfast bar mostly contain sugar and carbohydrates. Usually, breakfast bars are made with refined grains that contain lots of sugar. Moreover, the taste of the fruit that is obtained is not from the natural fruit. So consuming a breakfast bar in the morning can cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly, which is very dangerous for people with diabetes.
After all, as diabetics, you have to avoid consuming those foods for your breakfast menu. You must be careful with your sugar intake and prioritize consuming real food and low-sugar foods. Keep healthy everyone!
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