Fabulous! 10 Natural Ingredients to Fight Your Acne

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Everyone must have problems. One of the problems that sometimes make you stressed out is acne. Take it easy because there's a lot of information about getting rid of acne using natural ingredients. Here, we also summarized ten natural ingredients to fight acne.

If you have any issues, such as a sensitive face, make sure to use the right one before trying it to avoid any undesirable things. Let's check this out!

1. Apple vinegar

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First is apple vinegar. Some organic acids in apple vinegar believed could kill any bacteria and reduce excess oil in your face. Apple vinegar is a fermentation of yeast and other bacteria. After that fermentation, those yeast and bacteria produce a new compound called anti-bacteria and acetic acid. According to Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, apple vinegar could fight any virus up to 95%. Apple vinegar also has lactic acid, which serves to fix texture, pigmentation, and blemishes.

For those who want to use this apple vinegar to fight your acne, you might use it as a toner or smear to your acne skin.

2. Garlic

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The second is garlic. Most people only know that garlic is a seasoning for your cook. Actually, garlic is a natural ingredient that will help you to relieve your acne. One garlic usually contains an active ingredient called allicin which are antioxidants and anti-inflammatory that believed can kill all the bacteria that cause acne. Besides that, garlic also contains vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, selenium, and copper that will control excess oil on your face.

If you think this natural ingredient can fight your acne, it would be better if you do not smear directly to your acne. It because this garlic will make your acne getting worse. What you have to do to fight your acne is grind the garlic, then apply those grind garlic to the surface of your skin where there is ance and let them stay for not more than two minutes.

3. Ice cube

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Acne emerged because there are many buildups of dirt, oil, and bacteria in the follicle. Have you ever known that ice cubes can be one of the natural ingredients to fight pimples? It because ice cube can act as an anti-inflammatory that will reduce swelling on your inflamed acne. Another benefit of an ice cube is to tighten your blood vessels. So, your inflamed acne will calm down.

Here is one of the best ways to use an ice cube for your acne. Put an ice cube wrapped with fabric on your acne for around two or three minutes, and you will see your acne will slowly deflate. If you currently have inflamed acne, you might try this one!

4. Tea tree oil

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If you pay attention to your skincare ingredients, you must have seen this Tea tree oil as one ingredient. This natural ingredient has been widely used as a mixture of beauty products to omit acne. It because tea tree oil contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory that will fight any acne effectively. Furthermore, tea tree oil also can fight any fungus and virus that stay on your skin surface. Apart from acne, it turns out that tea tree oil also contains 5% concentrate that can effectively resolve your blackheads.

So, it would be better before you buy any acne skincare product, you have to see that there is tea tree oil in their ingredients.

5. Aloe vera

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Most of us must be familiar with aloe vera. One of the benefits of aloe vera is beauty. This natural ingredient has been widely used as a mixture of beauty products. The experts make aloe vera as a mixture of skincare to let people sense the benefits of aloe vera. Evidently, aloe vera can also treat any acne on your body, such as the back, chest, scalp, and others.

In aloe vera gel contains salicylic acid and sulfur that will help you diffuse your skin's inflammation caused by acne. How to use the aloe vera gel to fight your acne is easy. All you have to do is apply the aloe vera gel to the surface of your skin where there is acne and let them stay for around two or three minutes. If you are keen on using aloe vera gel, you will definitely see your skin changes.

6. Grean tea

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Green tea is a great tea for your health. It is because green tea has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotics. Besides, green tea also has epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which works to fight acne and excess oil on your skin. Therefore, a lot of beauty product contains green tea as based.

So, if you want to fight your acne, you have to make sure you are consuming this green tea. Since they will help you eliminate any dirt in your body that will cause cell damage. You can also use green tea as a mask that will calm your skin from inflamed acne. Let that green tea mask stay on your skin for a few minutes until dry and wash.

7. Exercise

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Stress is one of the reasons why zits pop out on your skin. To relieve your stress, you need to do some activities like exercise. The truth is exercise will increase your blood flow and fix your blood circulation to avoid any acne.

When you are exercising, you will be sweating, and it helps your skin become clean and healthy. Because by sweating, your skin pores will bring out any dirt piles up under the skin cells. It would be better for a good result if you do some exercises such as yoga, aerobic, or Zumba. At least three times a week to avoid any dirt that stuck under your skin cell.

8. Honey

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Not only delicious, but honey also has many benefits for your face. It because honey contains antioxidants, anti-bacteria, and other nutrition that will keep your skin moist and healthy.

One of the benefits of honey is to disguise acne scars on your face. How to use honey to hide your acne scars is to combine honey with coconut oil. Then, apply those ingredients on your skin and let them stay for around two minutes, and gently massage. Last, put your towel that has been dampened with warm water into your acne scars until your towel getting cool. To get a good result, you can repeat this method every day until the acne scars disappear.

9. Lemon

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If you pay attention to your skincare products, you might see that lemon is one of the based ingredients. It because lemon has many benefits. In one lemon, there are vitamin C, fiber, and various beneficial plant compounds.

One of the benefits is to take care of your acne and acne scars. To relieve your acne and hide your acne scars, you have to consume at least one glass of lemon juice per day. It because lemon juice has astringent due to its acid level. The Ingredient with a higher pH level, such as lemon, can help you to reduce inflammation and oils that can contribute to acne formation.

10. Avocado

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Avocado is a great natural ingredient for your face. It because avocado has many benefits for your skin face. According to dr. Adeline Jaclyn, in avocado, contains essential fatty acids and vitamins. The vitamin A in avocado can clean the face and remove dead skin cells. Here are some benefits of an avocado mask for your face.

The first is to calm your skin conditions. The fats and vitamins in avocado help speed up skin repair and relieve chronic skin conditions, such as eczema and acne. In addition, avocado is also believed to improve cracked skin and even out skin tone. The second is to minimize your acne. People who have acne-prone skin can also get some benefit from an avocado mask. It because avocado has antimicrobial that can reduce the excessive amount of your acne.
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Pour Salt To Your Drain Every Night, Here's Why!
How many of you have experienced facing black standing water in a sink or faucet? Well, we really hope you haven't. Even by imagining it, we bet it has already made you gag even for a little bit.

For some people sometimes a clogged drain problem can cause minor headaches and hassle but do you know a clogged drain can also generate and summon some nasty red crawling bugs aka cockroaches to crawl up just simply to say hi to you at night? Well, sounds like a nightmare, doesn't it?

What if we told you this clogged problem can simply be solved using cooking essentials available in your kitchen? Yup- apparently, salt can quickly help you prevent this problem from happening in the future. So, how does salt can help you avoid this problem? Simple salt can help you break down all greases and emulsified fats that clog your pipes, allowing you to flush them out easier with vinegar and hot water.

Would you like to know how does this small science secret works? Here we have curated 5 reasons why pouring salt down your drain at night is the best way to avoid clogged drains prevent this animal from climbing up from your drain.
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Photo: Instagram @caitlynjenner  
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10 World's Most Dangerous Cities You Should Think Twice Before Visiting
Imagine being fully awake and aware while on vacation, doesn't feel fun right?

Heading abroad on the adventure is exciting and nerve-wracking moment. But, by nerve-wracking it doesn't mean your holiday must be something that will cost your life unless if you happen to visit these cities below.
In this article, we will cover some of the most dangerous cities in the world and the kinds of crimes that casually occur. Click this button below to find out!
