These Are What You Should Do Immediately If You Have Nail Fungus!
The nail fungus, also called onychomycosis, is a common fungal infection in your nails. The nail fungus causes thickened brittle, cracked, and rough nails. The main symptom of nail fungus is usually a change in the appearance of the nails. In rare cases, this condition causes pain or a slightly bad smell. The infection itself can spread throughout the nail, including the foundation, plate, and nail root.
If you have nail fungus, you can do the following treatments on the next pages to treat and overcome it.
1. What Causes Nail Fungal Infections?
Basically, nail fungal infection is caused by an overgrowth of fungi under the nails. Fungi usually thrive in warm and humid environments so that these pathogens can reproduce quickly and in large numbers. The fungi types that cause nail fungus are dermatophytes fungi, Candida fungi, and non-dermatophyte fungi. These types of fungi may already be present in our body and can easily cause nail infection.
Besides that, another factor that causes nail fungus is the age factor. Nail fungus is more prone to occur in the elderly because elderly nails tend to be brittle and dry. That causes the nails to crack more easily, which allowing the fungus to come inside the nail easier.
2. Apply a menthol ointment.
Did you know that menthol ointment can treat nail fungus infection?
Well, ointments that containing menthol can help treat nail fungus. Generally, this type of ointment is intended to relieve cough and cold symptoms. However, if you apply it to nails affected by a fungal infection, it will also work.
Try applying a moderate amount of menthol ointment to the affected nail every night. Then, put on socks and make sure to use socks to disguise the strong menthol scent. The next day, wash the affected nail and cut the nail using a nail clipper. Repeat the step every night until the nails are healed and clean again.
3. Use a mixed essential oils.
A certain mixed essential oil can have an antifungal effect that can fight nail fungus. You can mix an essential oil such as lavender oil, petitgrain oil, oregano oil, clary seed oil, lavender oil, and olive oil. These oils contain antiseptic, antifungal, and antimicrobial that can prevent skin irritation and treat nail fungal infections.
You can apply it by wetting a cotton ball with the mixed essential oil and then placing it on the infected part of the nail for 10-20 minutes. After that, rinse thoroughly with water and dry with a towel. Apply it to the nail fungus regularly and wait for good results.
Mouthwash is usually used to kill bacteria and germs in the mouth, but this liquid is also believed to treat nail fungal infections. The mouthwash contains natural ingredients, such as menthol and eucalyptus, which contain antibacterial and antifungal. Moreover, several studies have also shown that many types of mouthwash have antifungals that are believed to overcome nail fungus problems.
Use it by preparing a basin with a mixture of water and mouthwash. Then soaking your fingernails or toenails infected by the fungus into the basin of the mixed mouthwash. Soak your feet for 30 minutes while gently rubbing the infected nail area. Do this step twice a day for maximum results.
5. Use a baking soda.
Baking soda is believed to absorb over moisture on your skin caused by nail fungus. In addition, some researchers studied baking soda's effect on nail fungus. As a result, baking soda prevented fungi growth in 79 percent of the tested specimens. As for the rest, baking soda can at least slow down fungi' growth, even if it doesn't actually eradicate it directly.
You can use it by putting baking soda in a sock to absorb the over moisture and use it while sleeping. Or you can apply a baking soda paste directly to the affected nail and let it sit for 10 minutes, and rinse it. Repeat the steps two times a day until the fungus on the nails is completely gone.
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