Don't Ignore it! Remove Your Make-Up Before You Sleep

1. Clogged Pores

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Photo: Canva
The first thing that will happen to your face is clogged pores. Not cleaning your face is equal to not reopening the facial pores you have wrapped with makeup and pollution. If you let that makeup stay in your face for a long night, the skin ceases to breathe, and fatigue signs appear soon enough.

When your pores are clogged, your skin cannot breathe like usual. As an effect, there will be new problems you will face. Signs that your pores are clogged is when you have a lot of blackheads, and your skin becomes rough. To solve your problems, you need to exfoliate to rid any dirt inside your pores.
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Photo Credit: Dragon Fruit/Unsplash  
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Photo: Canva  
5 Delicious Healthy Snack Options
People love to eat unhealthy snacks such as fritter-snacks, crackers, chocolate, and others. However, if you are on a diet or have started changing your lifestyle, you have healthy snack options. Do you know there are many choices for consuming healthy snacks as a substitute for regular snacks that you are commonly consumed?

Here are 5 delicious healthy snack options and weight-loss-friendly that you can enjoy on your diet!
