Don't Ignore it! Remove Your Make-Up Before You Sleep

2. Eye Irritation and Infection

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Photo: Canva
Besides contact lens, sleeping with wearing makeup will also irritate and infect your eyes. Many eye products contain chemicals such as formaldehyde, heavy metals, and other poisons based on Optometrists. When you are sleeping with those chemicals on your face, it will cause irritations, or even your lashes will fall out. According to the case study, if you are not cleaning your mascara regularly, it will cause eye inflammation and conjunctivitis.

If you are wearing a product for your eyes like waterproof mascara, it would be great to remove your make up first by using a makeup remover that contains infused oil.
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Photo Credit: Dragon Fruit/Unsplash  
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Photo: Canva  
5 Delicious Healthy Snack Options
People love to eat unhealthy snacks such as fritter-snacks, crackers, chocolate, and others. However, if you are on a diet or have started changing your lifestyle, you have healthy snack options. Do you know there are many choices for consuming healthy snacks as a substitute for regular snacks that you are commonly consumed?

Here are 5 delicious healthy snack options and weight-loss-friendly that you can enjoy on your diet!
