Unbelievable! 8 Most Beautiful Airports in The World

2. Dubai International Airport

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Photo: Instagram @hhshkmohd
The next beautiful airport in the world is Dubai International Airport. This airport is also one of the world's busiest airports with a total number of passengers around 83.6 million in a year. It will hard for you to notice any of the bustles and hustle while you are in the zen garden. Also, this airport also has amazing spas to loosen your tight muscles.

In addition, this airport also provides many facilities that will help you when you are at this airport, such as shower, sleep and fly pods, designer shops, and wifi. Those facilities are free. Some of the partial buildings in this airport are under construction, and once it is complete, this airport becomes the biggest airport in the world with five runways and four terminals.
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Photo Credit: Dragon Fruit/Unsplash  
This Is How Dragon Fruit Could Benefit Your Health
Although dragon fruit may not be the regular fruit you put in your grocery list, by the end of this article we guarantee you will start including dragon fruit into your daily diet.

According to several studies including the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), dragon fruit has several nutritional values that are really beneficial for your health.

This is what will happen to your body after you start incorporating dragon fruit into your diet for a week. Watch, how the potential health benefit of dragon fruit does to your body.
