7 World Festivals That You Don't Want To Miss!

3. Oktoberfest, Germany

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Photo: Canva
The next must-attend festival is Oktoberfest in Germany. This festival was originally a wedding party of Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese on October 12, 1810, which invited the entire townspeople to join.

Until now, Oktoberfest has become one of the biggest festivals and has attracted millions of people to come to Bavaria, Germany. The festival is held for 16 consecutive days in October, with the mayor of Munich's opening.

The Oktoberfest is synonymous with serving enormous beer quantities, one distinctive feature: the dark-colored beer called Maß, which is traditionally served in one-liter containers. This fun festival probably is one of the reasons why German is one of the most enjoyable countries to live in 
 to live in.
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Photo Credit: Canva  
Fast Weight Loss 'Trick' Using 5 Magical Fruits
Weight loss may be a difficult task for some people as it requires a lot of dedication and effort. Apart from exercising, we all know making one tiny little change to our diet can help banish all the belly fat as well.

It's well known that fruits are the best food choice for lowing weight; however, did you know some fruits can burn fat much faster than others?
