8 Tips to Pack Your Suit Case Like A Pro Traveler

1. Know Exactly Things You Will Be Doing

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Photo: Unsplash/ Tabea Damm
Instead of packing clothes based on the length of your trip, you should think about what activities you would be doing to make your wardrobe meet your needs. For instance, if you are going to visit some tropical place with beaches, you will need a handful of dresses, short pants, a thin shirt, a bikini, and some casual outfits made from thin fabrics.
Write down what outfits you will need for each day during the trip. Although you may need culottes or jeans for your daily outfits, just bring 1 or 2 pairs and start mix and match it with other clothing. If you are able to do laundry during vacation, that's even better! Doing laundry during your vacation might sound like a tedious chore, but it can give you some advantages like packing fewer clothes and re-wear your traveling outfits.
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Photo: Canva  
10 Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits of Strawberries
Strawberries are one of the most delicious fruits. Fruits? Yes, strawberries are actually fruits rather than berries in the strict botanical sense! But either way, we love them. Once you take one bite of it, you will enjoy the rich taste of strawberry; fresh, sour, and sweet. Did you know that strawberries have many benefits for your health apart from the good taste? This the right place to know more about the strawberry.

There are many nutrients in one strawberry, and it's good for your health and your body. What are those benefits? Let's check it out!
