Fascinating Facts About Blinking Eyes

1. Women blink more than men

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Photo: Canva
There is a rumor about women who always blink and more often blink than men in this world. But, until now, this rumor is difficult to prove with scientific fact. Usually, a woman can blink twice as much as a man. There is one research that said that women blink around 15 times every four seconds. The frequency of blinks will chance when those women feel anxious, apprehensive, or tired.

According to Men's Health, women who are taking birth control pills will blink around 32 percent more often than women who are not taking the control pill. So, one of the reasons why you always blink. Maybe it because you are taking the control pill.
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Photo: Canva  
7 Places You Must Visit in Sydney
Are you currently preparing for your trip to Sydney? Well, Sydney is one of the cities that is visited by many foreign tourists. There are many unique icons available in Sydney, like the white-roofed Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. For those of you who are planning your trip to Sydney, we can help you prepare your itinerary by recommending places you must visit in Sydney. What are those? Let's check it out!
