Fascinating Facts About Blinking Eyes

2. The blink inspired the creation of the wiper system

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Photo: Canva
Have you ever heard about the person who created windshield wipers? That person was Robert Kearns. He found the windshield wipers when he was on his wedding night in 1953. On his wedding night, there was an accident in which a champagne cork flew and pointed straight at his left eye and causing him to blink in a regular pattern. That accident made him blink erratically. Since that accident, he wondered why he did not use that flashing system for a car's windshield. Because it will be useful if used on a car windshield.

Unluckily, Robert Kearns had to face another reality, where he had to fight against ford and other automakers in court because he felt they had stolen his design. This incident also ultimately made the director want to make a film about him and his creation. Greg Kinnear played Robert Kearns in the movie "Flash of Genius."
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Photo: Canva  
7 Places You Must Visit in Sydney
Are you currently preparing for your trip to Sydney? Well, Sydney is one of the cities that is visited by many foreign tourists. There are many unique icons available in Sydney, like the white-roofed Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. For those of you who are planning your trip to Sydney, we can help you prepare your itinerary by recommending places you must visit in Sydney. What are those? Let's check it out!
