Deadliest Animals In The World - #1 Is Really Unexpected
Photo: Unsplash.comn
The thought of being fatally attacked by wild animals might be gruesome for some, especially if you love spending time in nature. Sometimes when we think about the world's deadliest animals, sharks are probably the first to come to our mind.
It turns out that the deaths caused by sharks are not even that frightening when compared to the creatures we have listed below. Here are the 10 deadliest animals that most likely to kill you in nature.
#10 Cape Buffalo
Cape buffalo is the largest and most common savanna buffaloes that you can easily spot in Africa. This buffalo is infamous for its w-shaped horn perched over its head. When left alone in nature, cape buffalo are normally non-threatening animals. But don't take it wrong, they can turn into deadly and aggressive animals in a second especially when they are traveling in massive herds.
When traveling in a group, cape buffalos will never hesitate to chase you at speeds up to 35 miles per hour. If that thing doesn't scare you enough, try to imagine this six feet tall 100 kg animal can easily turn your jeep upside down.
#9 Box Jellyfish
Foto: Flickr | gautsch
Box Jellyfish is titled as the world's most venomous marine animal by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. How come this pretty blue transparent animal can be so deadly to humans? While looks can be deceiving, the toxins released by this beautiful blue marine creature is highly powerful, capable of attacking your heart, nervous system, and skin cells.
In most cases, when the box jellyfish attack their human victims, the victims are most likely to go through an extreme shock, or even drown to die before they could even reach the shore. This blue marine animal can be easily found floating around Indo-Pacific waters. So, if you are likely to enjoy surfing and swimming on the beach around Indo-Pacific water, so be cautious when you encounter this animal in the water.
#8 Puffer Fish
Apart from their endearing appearance, it turns out that pufferfish may be highly deadly to humans, even if they are lightly touched. In a country like Japan, the risk of death from pufferfish is quite high because of the popularity of serving this animal as sushi.
So what makes this pufferfish highly dangerous to humans?
Pufferfish contain tetrodotoxin, a deadly substance that is 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide. To make it more horrifying, a toxin in one pufferfish can actually kill 30 adults and no antidote can prevent the venom. So, do you think you would be brave enough to taste this animal as sushi?
The black mamba is a shy and secretive snake that prefers to escape the confrontation, but this animal can turn into a fast, aggressive, and lethally venomous animal when feeling threatened.
With their fangs that are up to 6.5 mm in length and located at the front of their upper jaw, black mamba use these fangs like hypodermic needles to inject the venom into their prey. It only takes 2 drops of a black mamba's venom to kill an adult human. Meanwhile, an adult black mamba can produce up to twelve to twenty drops of venom per fang. For all these reasons, the black mamba is considered the world's deadliest snake in the world
#6 Mosquitoes
Despite their small size, mosquitoes are considered to be among the deadliest animals on the planet due to their bite. While most mosquito bites are harmless, the diseases transmitted through them can be deadly dangerous to humans. Malaria is one of them.
Several harmful infections that mosquitoes can carry include; malaria, Zika virus, chikungunya, dengue fever, yellow fever, and West Nile virus. There are several things you can do to prevent these mosquito bites such, as using insect repellent lotion, using netting around your bed, covering up your skin when outdoors, avoiding wearing bright clothing, and avoiding any scented perfumes or beauty products.
The bad news is you can't really run away from this animal except if you live in Antarctica.
#5 Salt Water Crocodile
Crocs themselves have a reputation for being dangerous to people, but the saltwater crocodile was considered much more aggressive than six other crocodile species around the world. Reportedly, salt crocodiles are considered living fossils that still remained unchanged for 100 million years and have extremely powerful jaws. This species can be easily found in the region of Eastern India, Southeast Asia, and Northern Australia.
You may ask, are you still safe if you are sitting on a boat in the lakes, ponds, or rivers inhabitant by the saltwater crocodile? This answer might shock you because saltwater crocodiles can jump out of water at shocking heights.
#4 King Cobra
Alongside the black mamba, we have listed above, snakes also have another venomous species that you should be avoided while encountering.
The king cobra is one of the most venomous snakes on the planet. When in nature, you can easily spot this animal as they have their iconic distinctive hood that usually flares out while feeling threatened. In reality, king cobras are usually shy and will avoid any human contact whenever possible, but despite their shyness, you can't underestimate what this animal can do. The venom in one king cobra is enough to kill 20 people or even an elephant. Once the venom entered the human's blood, it can affect our respiratory centers in the brain and cause cardiac failure.
So if you ever come across this animal in nature, it's best to back away carefully and never approach them.
#3 Tse-Tse Fly
Photo: Ana Rodriguez/
Most flies are not considered dangerous for human's health, but tse-tse fly is one of those flies you should avoid.
While most flies are usually attracted to your foods, this fly is more interested in human and animal blood. Once you get bitten by this fly, it can result in red itchy bumps and can be really painful. One bite of this fly can be caused a swelling of the skin, fever, headaches, joint pains, and itching, or is known as the African sleeping sickness.
But worry not this tse-tse fly can only be found around Tanzania's northern circuit parks.
There are some precautions you can take to avoid these flies, such as avoiding wearing blue, black, or bright-colored clothing, wearing light neutral tones clothing, and using insect repellent lotion.
#2 African Lion
African lion is known for their role as the king of jungle because they are mostly hunts animals that are found in its habitat. This predatory instinct makes them one of the most deadliest animals in nature. Whilst humans are not their natural prey but when they come face to face with human in nature, they will likely to attack them.
If you ever come across this animal in nature, the first thing to do is to stay calm. Stand up upright, face the lion and walk back slowly. Do not even turn your back to a lion because that will automatically turn their predatory's instinct right away. Most importantly, do not run from a lion because it may stimulate their instinct to chase.
#1 Golden Frog
Photo: Wilfried Berns
No one would expect this beautiful small yellow bright creature can actually kill 10 adults in one hour, making this animal one of the most toxic animals on earth. This frog is also known as the Panamanian golden frog because they are originally live in the Panama rainforest. When in nature, you might not notice this animal straight away because of its small size.
Adult golden frogs have a size between 3.5 and 4.8 centimeters and weigh around 3 to 12 grams. If you are having difficulties visualizing this animal to give you some perspective, it's roughly the same size as a paper clip. While you come in contact with this animal just make sure to wear thick sole boots and gloves to avoid unexpectedly touching them.
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