Everyone blinks. By doing this, you can clean any dirt stick in your eyes. Plus, when you are blinking, your eyes will be moisturized. So your eyes will not get irritated. Besides, blink or wink are also used to show attraction to the opposite sex. But that's not the only reason why people blink every second. There are some unique facts stored behind every blink of an eye.
We've put together five interesting facts about blinking eyes. Let's go deeper!
1. Women blink more than men
Photo: Canva
There is a rumor about women who always blink and more often blink than men in this world. But, until now, this rumor is difficult to prove with scientific fact. Usually, a woman can blink twice as much as a man. There is one research that said that women blink around 15 times every four seconds. The frequency of blinks will chance when those women feel anxious, apprehensive, or tired.
According to Men's Health, women who are taking birth control pills will blink around 32 percent more often than women who are not taking the control pill. So, one of the reasons why you always blink. Maybe it because you are taking the control pill.
2. The blink inspired the creation of the wiper system
Photo: Canva
Have you ever heard about the person who created windshield wipers? That person was Robert Kearns. He found the windshield wipers when he was on his wedding night in 1953. On his wedding night, there was an accident in which a champagne cork flew and pointed straight at his left eye and causing him to blink in a regular pattern. That accident made him blink erratically. Since that accident, he wondered why he did not use that flashing system for a car's windshield. Because it will be useful if used on a car windshield.
Unluckily, Robert Kearns had to face another reality, where he had to fight against ford and other automakers in court because he felt they had stolen his design. This incident also ultimately made the director want to make a film about him and his creation. Greg Kinnear played Robert Kearns in the movie "Flash of Genius."
3. Babies are infrequent blinkers
Photo: Canva
Thus far, there is no definite answer regarding why babies blink less than adults. Usually, babies are only blinking with a frequency of two or less for one minute. There's plenty of researchers who say that babies or children will blink more when they get older.
One theory about the baby says that baby blinks less because they have a sleep schedule that is too long, which prevents babies from lubricating their eyes as often as adults. Another theory about the baby says that they are busy training their eyes (not their lids) to absorb visual information when they wake up. The blinking rate in babies could be an indicator of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). But it does not mean that barely blinking babies are having ASD.
Besides baby, the blinking patterns of adults in various circumstances have been thoroughly studied. In general, when we receive important information, we will blink less frequently. When we don't receive so much information, we blink more often. There are some examples of these statements. The first is, there is an Air Force pilot, and he is flying in the enemy territory. In this case, that pilot will blink less than usual. It because he needs to be aware and pay attention to something that might attack him. While the second is, there is research from Pioneer and Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Washington University in St. Louis said that they had observed about debate war between the first presidents George W. Bush and John Kerry in 2004. At that time, Bush blinks more often than Kerry, especially when under attack on the debate war. While Kerry, as the opponent, did not blink as much as Bush. As a result of the debate war, Kerry wins the debate.
So, we know that when someone feels under attack, they will blink more.
5. All creatures small and great blink
Photo: Canva
Mostly all creatures blink. But some animals don't blink. They are fish, snakes, and other animals that don't have eyelids. But for the unique animal like a hamster, they usually always blink. They blink by using one eye at a time.
W.P. Blount published the definitive guide to blinking in the animal kingdom with the title of "Studies of the Movements of the Eyelids of Animal: Blinking, In 1927. Among Blount's findings that Sundanese monkeys blink very often like crazy. While rats, they are blinking when they sneeze, and the last is a lamb. Lambs are blinking more frequently, around 30 to 60 seconds.
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