Are you planning to have a dog, or are you raising a dog? For all of you who had a plan like that, it would be better if you know these traits or body language of a dog. This basic knowledge will make you understand how to raise it later. On this page, we summarise the basic dog body language you need to know.
1. Ear up and tail down
Photo: Canva
If you find your dog's ears go up, the tail goes down, and standing like loosening his body, it means you can approach your dog and ask them to play with you without hesitance.
When your dog is in a good mood and comfortable, you might easily touch him. The first thing you can do to gain his attention is by rubbing his head before making further contact. So, your dog does not startle and turn his mood again.
From this, we know that approach the dog is not as easy as we think. We must know when your dog is ready to play with us. If they are ready to play with you, they will give you a sign like tail goes down and ears go up.
2. Ears Forward and eyes enlarged
Photo: Canva
Do you know how's your dog's behavior when they're detecting something unusual? Usually, in a situation of detecting something, your dog will put forward his ears, and his eyes will enlarge or sometimes stand on tiptoe. This situation can happen when the dog comes to a new place where there is a crowd of people or when you take him to visit a strange place he has never been to before.
Dogs will also show alert behavior when they find someone new comes into their territory or the host's house. If he thinks the person is harmless, usually the dog's expression will not be exaggerated.
3. Grinning and tail up
Photo: Canva
When your dog has an upright tail and grinning teeth, this is a symbol or sign that he is in an aggressive condition and has high self-confidence. You have to be a little careful when your dog starts showing these gestures because your dog might lose control and be difficult to control in a situation like this. Sometimes, they will hurt you or everybody around him when he can't control himself.
It would be better to teach the dog in high discipline and shape your dog's character so they will not blindly attack anyone when they are not in a good mood. But still, you must reward your dog because he can control his aggresiveness and his high self-confidence.
Have you ever realized when your dog feels under attack and afraid of something? You might know this situation from the dog's body language. When your dog makes his body lower, his pupils are dilated, and sometimes it also tucks its tail between its legs. In this situation, it would be better if you hug him and give him more attention, or start rubbing his head, and say it's okay. Usually, in this situation, the dogs feel under attack and afraid to meet another dog like an alpha dog. An alpha dog looks so intense or even going to the salon, and the vet is also a situation that scares dogs too, you know.
5. Tongue sticking out, tail wagging up
Photo: Canva
Surely you often find this situation where your dog comes to you with a tongue sticking out and a tail-wagging up. If you encounter this situation, you should be proud and happy if your dog comes to you with this condition because it is a sign that he is satisfied and so glad to meet you again.
This situation will also repeat itself if the dog has a happy feeling in every situation, like being invited out to play and take a walk in the evening or when you give him his favorite food. In fact, you can also see this condition when you accompany him playing his favorite ball.
Those are signs from your dog that you need to know and understand. So now, you can understand what he wants or what he does not wants.
On a bright, beautiful day at Vecchio bridge in Florence, Italy, Jan was browsing some antique jewelry in several old jewelry stores near the bridge. While walking into the store's door, she was pinned down by two strangers from different directions. As she was trying to get out of the uncomfortable situation, she felt one of the man's hands slowly slip its way into her coat. That's where she knows pickpockets were targeting her.
Surprisingly, these are several clothing fashions that can save you and Jen from getting pickpocketed while solo traveling.
The nail fungus, also called onychomycosis, is a common fungal infection in your nails. The nail fungus causes thickened brittle, cracked, and rough nails. The main symptom of nail fungus is usually a change in the appearance of the nails. In rare cases, this condition causes pain or a slightly bad smell. The infection itself can spread throughout the nail, including the foundation, plate, and nail root.
If you have nail fungus, you can do the following treatments on the next pages to treat and overcome it.