7 Mind-Blowing Facts about Titanic You Might Never Heard

2. It required 800-tons coal daily.

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Photo: Canva
Titanic was one of the most luxurious and largest cruise ships in the world, which weighs 46,328 tons and a length of 269.1 meters. To operate this ship, it requires tons of coal per day.

Titanic was equipped with three engines - two reciprocating four-cylinder triple-expansion steam engines and one central low-pressure Parsons turbine - each propelling a propeller. The two reciprocating engines are gigantic, each 19 meters long and weighing 720 tons. Steam produced by 29 boilers powered the two engines, 24 of which were double-ended, and 5 were single-ended, comprising 159 furnaces in total. It takes 800 tons of coal per day to power the ship, and every day the RMS Titanic dumps 100 tons of ash.
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Photo: Canva  
7 Popular Myths and Legends Around The World
Generally, every country and region has urban legends that have been believed by its people from generation to generation. Even though the myth is considered as impossible, yet many people still believe it. That is why we dive into the details of some of what we think are fascinating myths and legends in the world. We have been listed the 7 popular myths and legends from around the world just for you! Take a look!
