5 Fascinating Facts About Caitlyn Jenner

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Photo: Instagram @caitlynjenner
Caitlyn Jenner was known as William Bruce Jenner. She has been in the spotlight since she said the truth about her personality. Are you curious about her? What she had been through all this time? Let's take a read to find out what happened in her life. You will find some interesting stories of her on this page!

1. Transgender

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Photo: Instagram @caitlynjenner
Being transgender was one of Caitlyn Jenner's final decisions to find her happiness. Being a woman made her feel better than ever. She also claims that being a Caitlyn Jenner made her have a better personality than before when he was Bruce Jenner.

Finally, in January, Caitlyn Jenner underwent sex-change surgery. She left her status as a man or as Bruce Jenner. Caitlyn is also considering becoming a woman makes her feel that she is a great parent or the perfect parent for her children. On the last page of her book, Caitlyn also mentioned that she doesn't want to talk about this topic in public anymore.

2. Relationship with her daughters and stepdaughters

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Photo: Instagram @caitlynjenner
Caitlyn Jenner has six children from her ex-wives Chrystie Crownover, Linda Thompson, and Kris Jenner. She also has four stepdaughters from her ex-wife Kriss Jenner. According to her, Caitlyn Jenner is no longer tight with her Kardashian stepdaughters because of her transition. The Kardashian sister felt that Caitlyn Jenner was dishonest to their mom. They found the truth from the internet since she went public with her new transgender status in 2015. Hence, her stepdaughters started to drift away from her.

While her relationship with her children especially Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner is pretty good. According to Kylie and Kendall Jenner, the relationship between them changed for the better after her transition. It because when Caitlyn Jenner came out as transgender, their relationship grew, she could finally be honest with her daughters.

3. Sexual orientation

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Photo: Instagram @caitlynjenner
Before Caitlyn Jenner decided to become a woman, she confessed that she still had a desire for women. Moreover, there are some informations that give her more spotlight. Such as when she had a relation with her co-star named Candis Wayne and when she had a relationship with a man. From these issues, lots of people say bad things about her and hate her.

However, in one interview, she admitted that she doesn't even care about her sex life. Caitlyn also said that she never felt that she had a good relationship as she should because she thought that what she was doing was not right at that time.

4. New identity as Caitlyn Jenner

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Photo: Instagram @caitlynjenner
When Caitlyn Jenner completed all of her transitions, she felt reborn again and become a new person. She also mentions before her sex-change surgery, she never felt that she was good enough.

In her book entitled The Secret of My Life, she said the surgery changes her life and makes her feel free. That book also revealed that she managed to convince her stepdaughter (Kim Kardashian) not to leak her secrets about being transgender. But finally, in April 2015, she spoke about her transition to being a woman in the number 1 television show that drew nearly 17 million viewers. In the end, she revealed her own disgrace.

5. Panic attack

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Photo: Instagram @caitlynjenner
Before underwent into surgery, Caitlyn made several preparations, including physical and mental preparation. However, after the surgery was done and spent several hours in the operating room, she suddenly had a panic attack. In her interview with the Sunday Times, she said at that time heart her was suddenly fast-beating and said to the god what she had done. Yet, she managed to calm herself by asking the nurse to turn on the TV to divert her thoughts and forget everything for a moment.

After that surgery, she walk on as a new person and happy with her final decision. Also never regret with her choice.
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Photo: Canva  
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