The Creepiest Theme Parks in The World Only for The Bravest

8. Okpo Land, Okpo-South Korea

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In the 1990s, Okpo Land in Korea was once the most popular amusement park in Asia. However, after a series of gruesome accidents, the park is mysteriously closed, now only casting its shadow as a haunted vehicle.
The duck-themed rides, which are one of the main attractions in the park, are known to have caused at least one death in the early 1990s. A train derailed and fell to the ground, killing one person and injuring several others. The game continued and no compensation or apology was received, giving rise to rumors of the owner paying local officials.

In 1999, the duck-themed vehicle claimed another life. Once again, one of the carriages derailed and overturned causing the death of a young girl. Since then, the owner of Okpo Land disappeared without a trace. Finally, in 1999, Okpo Land officially closed.
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Photo: Instagram @queenelizabethiiuk  
Queen Elizabeth II, The Most Powerful Woman in The World
Queen Elizabeth II is known as the most powerful woman in the world. This is because the Queen has power in Britain and holds the highest authority in Australia. She has the right to fire the Minister and even the Prime Minister if there is something wrong with them. Apart from Britain and Australia, the Queen also has the highest authority in 14 countries' former British colonies. As a woman who has great power in the world, of course, there are exciting things that we want to know about her; what are they?
