Best Pickpocket-Proof Fashion Tips For Travellers


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Photo: Joanna Nix-Walkup/Unsplash
The legging is one of the comfiest clothing out there that anyone can wear especially on a bright sunny day. Legging is the perfect fashion choice to travel with, thanks to its lightweight material. Plus, you can almost mix and match legging with other clothing apparel, starting from the chic look to lazy hobo Sunday. The legging is definitely most have an item collection in your wardrobe.

But who knows legging is also pickpocket's worst nightmare? This is all because the material is thin, and it's also designed without a pocket, making pickpockets feel frustrated since they have no chance to steal.
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Photo Credit: Canva  
7 Signs That May Indicate a Heart Attack
In summer 2010, Kim went to Hawaii with her son to practice Krav Maga, Israeli martial art. She was living a healthy and active lifestyle-training ten years of Krav Maga and also eating the right foods. When she returned from Hawaii, she experienced a breathing problem. Later on, she went to the hospital to get it checked. What Kim thought was just flu and fatigue turn out to be something much worse.

After ran several series of tests, the doctor determined she has a heart problem. Here are several symptoms of health problems that people usually missed.
